Human Emotions…
I have found love, I think…
We’re not friends, but we’re not lovers either. Can you relate?
It’s been bugging me. I find myself staring at her pictures, fighting brain battles between me and the Thirst Demon…
Send her a message, my boy, send her a message…
NO. She’ll think I’m desperate and weird and thirsty, then she’ll stop liking me, and then I’ll be lonely again.
No she won’t. Remember the way she looked at you the other day? Think she’d look at you that way if she didn’t want to-
STOP! What if she looks at everybody that way?
He he he… You’ll never find out. Just start typing, come on…
And, reluctantly I do…
I type, “Hey, u up?”
My finger stops on top of the send button.
Do it, my boy, do it!
In a fit of self-directed rage, I throw the phone away and scream.
Then I crouch in the corner of the room and cry to myself for the next 10 hours.
Ok, none of that happened, but you get the point. Never in my life would I have thought that emotions could take me over like this. Me… Smart, calm and collected me…
It’s been occupying my thoughts so much I have to write it down somewhere and actually think about the problem and find a viable solution. So I think we should start from the origin of these emotions.
Mother Nature Belongs To the Streets
Look at these images. The marvelous things mother nature has done…

There’s more…

Look at that ugly-ass fish! I don’t care about what scientists or experts say, mother nature is a freak.
In fact, I — college dropout with no research to back me up — think, when mother nature started working on humans, she lost her shit. Why? Because she gave us emotions.
This life-creating, short-term thinking, non-existing wench, really thought it was a great idea to make humans capable of going against their instinct in order to feel emotions.
And, you know, it made sense for some time: humans developed and evolved faster and better than other animals, created tools, technology, art and all that but now…? Now, emotions are leading the human race to an early demise.
For examples, just look at suicide…

Extreme sports…

Or Florida…

Emotions make our planet and our lives worse. But do not worry dear reader, I might have found a solution…
Aku No Mokumi: The Magic Fruit Of Self-Discipline

Legend goes that at the top of mountain Kosu near Hokkaido in Japan, there is a magic fruit, that grows on a magic tree in a mysterious cave. Apparently, once eaten, the fruit grants you limitless discipline. The best samurais of all time had been to this-
Wait, did you actually believe all that bullshit?
There is no way to overcome your emotions. Read as many self-help books as you want. Meditate 20 hours a day for 20 years and you’ll still feel the pull of emotions — look at the bright side though, you’ll be extremely zen…
I have been meditating every day for nearly a month now. I was promised a more peaceful state of being, feeling more present and in touch with the universe… Yet, I still feel like me.
Oh, I hear you thinking: well, you have to keep practising every day and eventually, you’ll achieve that…
To you, I say, you’re probably right but…
Imagine this happened: I wake up tomorrow, and while pinching my nipples in front of the mirror (because I’m a pervert) I realise there’s a lump on my left pec. After a doctor’s look, he concludes I have male breast cancer, and I’m going to die in 1 month (of course, this is a very, realistic example.)
You think I should keep meditating, hoping that in due time I’ll be more peaceful and in touch with the world and with my emotions?

I want to take care of these emotions right now. Tonight, I don’t know if I’ll be able to fight away the Thirst Demon. Speaking of which… No, wait, hold on… I just had a eureka moment!
What If The Thirst Demon Was My Friend?

Cognitive dissonance is an interesting thing. You can feel two different ways about the same thing. Because I like this girl, I want to let her know how I feel but at the same time, I’m afraid of losing her if my feelings are not reciprocated.
That last sentence requires highlighting because it’s my solution — and maybe yours if you’re facing the same problem.
The one and only fear humans have is the fear of loss, which manifests in a variety of ways: fear of losing your life, fear of losing a loved one, fear of losing a potential relationship…
And the fear of loss is always fighting against other human emotions such as love, hate or pride. Human emotions other than fear, always have a meaning, which, once understood, helps us leverage the emotions rather than fight them.
I realise now that what I call the Thirst Demon is only my subconscious trying to tell me to just ask this girl out on a date, have fun, not take myself too seriously and be honest about the way I feel.
Mh… Maybe mother nature didn’t make that big if a mistake after all…