My mom is a monster!
How could she? How could she make me believe there was a fat white man jumping into my chimney every year to give me gifts?
Hold on, if Santa isn’t real… Is the Tooth Fairy real? Is God real? Am I real?
At age 7 my world ended. My friend Marco, who was 10, had just found out the secret and was telling all the kids about it. Initially we all scoffed him off as “crazy” then he made a pretty good point…
“Santa travels from the North Pole. It’s freezing cold up there. Shouldn’t the gifts be super-cold when you open them…?”
Stop Lying To These Kids
I went back home after school and asked my mom the big question. After a shocked look, she came clean. For months after that I questioned everything they said.
“You need to eat your vegetables!” Did I though? My friend Will never ate vegetables, and he was tall and strong…
I lost all passion for the gifts they gave me. What was the difference between a Christmas gift and a toy they got me during weekends? Well… Just the date.
Look, I understand you’re trying to make your kids happy and you don’t want to go against the grain by telling them there’s no such thing as Santa. After all, Christmas is supposed to be some kind of magical time of the year.
Have you ever wondered why?
If you haven’t, I’ll tell you: it’s because you grew up viewing Christmas as a magical time. And, because most parents — secretly or explicitly — try to make their children copy-cats of themselves, you want them grow viewing Christmas as magical.
So you lie to them every year until you think they’re big enough to “accept” the fact that parents lie or wait for them to find out on their own.
If mommy and daddy lie, why can’t I? The child wonders.
Those kids will grow up to be our scientists, our businessmen, our politicians, our presidents…
And you wonder why society is filled with lying scheming SOBs. It’s parents’ fault.
Be Honest
I don’t believe we’ll ever achieve world peace.
Peace is achieved when all parties can trust eachother. Trust is built with honesty. Honesty is unpleasant.
Telling the truth sucks. Telling people what — you think — they want to hear feels much better… In the short term. In the long term, those lies will come bite you back in the ass.
So buckle up. It’s time you tell your kid/s Father Christmas doesn’t exist. The sooner the better.
And if they ask why you lied, tell the truth: it was because you loved them and wanted them to have the magical Christmas you had growing up.
Just don’t do anything. These kids are always on YouTube, they’ll find out on their own eventually.